Page 353 - catalogo Errea
P. 353

2026  SETH   2026  TOKYO EVOLUTION                                                                                 LOOK   EVAN

 Adult     Schiuma di poliuretano   Adult                                                                           LOOK   MARK
 UA0D0Z     Expanded   FA2M0Z
 S - M - L - XL         polyurethane foam  Tessuto seamless traspirante  S - M - L - XL
 Mousse de
 3IO      polyuréthane  Seamless
 90% POLYAMIDE - 10% ELASTANE   Tessuto in filato di   Tissu sans coutures  45% POLYESTER 30% RUBBER 30% POLYAMIDE 15% COTTON 10% RUBBER    LOOK   CURTIS
 5% THERMOPLASTIC   Cordura thread fabric  THERMOSHOCK‘00’ ®
 •  Blister da 2 pezzi    Tissu en filé cordura  • Struttura con trama jacquard
 •  Schiuma di poliuretano espanso    • Favorisce la dispersione del sudore
 •  Tessuto in filato di cordura    • Leggera compressione                                                          LOOK   BRANDON
 •  Tessuto seamless traspirante    • Livello di protezione avanzato nella posizione della rotula
 •  Leggera compressione   • 3D circular knitting technology

 •  2-piece blister    • Structure with Jacquard pattern
 •  Expanded polyurethane foam    • Helps breathability                                                             LOOK   CLASSIC
 •  Cordura yarn fabric    • Light compression
 •  Breathable seamless fabric    SEAMLESS  • Advanced knee protection
 •  Light compression   La tecnologia a maglia tubolare riduce al minimo le   • 3D circular knitting technology
    cuciture e offre una grande comodità e traspirabilità
 •  Blister de 2 pièces    oltre ad una vestibilità ergonomica con design sportivo.  • Structure à trame jaquard
 •  Mousse de polyuréthane élargie    Tubular knitting technology reduces seams to a minimum   • Favorise la transpiration   TROUSERS
 •  Tissu en fil de cordura    and offers great comfort and breathability, along with   • Légère compression
 •  Tissu sans couture respirant    ergonomic wearability and a sporty design.  contains x2  • Niveau de protection avancé dans la position de la rotule
 •  Compression légère  La technologie à maille tubulaire réduit les coutures au   •Technologie de tricotage circulaire 3D
 minimum, offrant ainsi un confort et une respirabilité
 importants, et permet de réaliser une coupe                                                                         COMPETITION
 ergonomique aux lignes sportives.
 Brevettato da Thermoshoe, nasce da un
 concetto innovativo: si tratta di un materiale                                                                      GOALKEEPERS
 termoplastico stabile con delle caratteristiche
 uniche che lo rendono adatto alle più diverse
 applicazioni. Conosciuto più comunemente
 come GEL, Thermoshock garantisce un                    00280                  48920
 maggior assorbimento degli urti, anche in             white/navy             black/silver          navy/cyan
 spessori molto sottili.                                                                                             BASKET
 CORDURA THREAD FABRIC  Patented by Thermoshoe, comes from an
 Nella parte frontale della   innovative concept: it is a stable thermoplastic
 ginocchiera,zona imbottittura, viene   material with unique characteristics which   TOKYO   ATENA
 utilizzata questa fibra in CORDURA   ®  make it suitable for the most diverse   2029  2025
 per garantire una maggior resistenza   applications.Commonly known as GEL,
 all’abrasione, questo specifico filato   Thermoshock guarantees greater absorption of                               RUGBY
 viene utilizzato sopratutto negli sport   impact even with a very slim thicknesses.
 di alta montagna.
 Breveté par Thermoshoe, né d’un   Adult                   Adult       Junior
 At the front of the knee pad, in the   concept novateur : il s’agit d’un matériau
 padded area, CORDURA  fibre is   thermoplastique stable dont les   T1410     T1393  T13931Z
 used to guarantee greater resistance   caractéristiques uniques se prêtent aux   S - M - L - XL         S - M - L   XS
 to abrasion. This specific yarn is   applications les plus diverses. Plus connu                                     ATHLETICS
 especially used in high mountain   sous le nom de GEL, Thermoshock assure une
 sporting activities.  meilleure absorption des chocs, y compris à
 Sur la face avant de la genouillère,   très faible épaisseur  58% POLYESTER 30% RUBBER 12% POLYAMIDE   65% POLYESTER 35% RUBBER
 dans la zone rembourrée, on utilise   INSIDE: 70% EVA 30% RUBBER   INSIDE: 50% EVA 50% RUBBER
 de la fibre de CORDURA  afin de
 garantir une meilleure résistance à                                                                                 PADEL
 l’abrasion. Ce fil spécial est destiné
 avant tout aux sports de haute
        000001   000002   000007  000012      navy           000001  000002   000009   000012
         white     red     blue   black
                                                              white    red      navy    black
 La protezione è stata costruita con criterio                                                                        BASE LAYER
 ergonomico con armature differenziate   Fino ad esaurimento scorte                         Fino ad esaurimento scorte
 body-mapping.  07720                  While stock last                                           While stock last
 black/yellow fl uo             Jusqu’à épisement du stock                                  Jusqu’à épisement du stock
 Protection has been created following
 ergonomic criteria with differentiated
 body-mapping reinforcement.
 La protection a été fabriquée selon un                                                                              ACCESSORIES
 critère ergonomique avec des armatures
 différenciées de type body-mapping.  09310  000006  000332  000331  000006  000332  000331
         fuchsia  green fl uo  yellow fl uo                   fuchsia    green fl uo  yellow fl uo
 352                                                                                                       353       CUSTOM
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