Page 222 - catalogo OMP car-parts
P. 222

RACING                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RACING
   ACCESSORIES                                                                                                                                                                                                    ACCESSORIES
                    RACING PEDALS AND FOOTRESTS                                                                                    ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES

       3 PEDALS SET                                         3 PEDALS SET                                                 MASTER SWITCHES (6 poles)                            MASTER SWITCHES (2 poles)

       OA0-1040                                             OA0-1069                                                     FIA APPENDIX J ART. 253                              FIA APPENDIX J ART. 253

       Complete 3 pedal set with short accelerator pedal    Complete 3 pedal set, in anodized aluminium and sandblasted aluminium,
       in silver anodized aluminium.                        with long accelerator pedal; anti-slip design.
       Inserts: rubber anti-slip.                           Dimens. brake:  60x90 mm Dimens. accelerator: 65x180 mm
       Dimens. brake: 60x80 mm                              Supplied with steel bolts.
       Dimens. accelerator: 60x105 mm                       Colours: blue ((OA/1069/B), silver (OA/1069/A).
       Supplied with steel bolts.

                                                                                                                         EA0-0462 - B01                                       EA0-0460
                                                                                                                         6 poles with removable key                           2 poles with removable key
                                                                                                                         disconnecting battery and alternator.                disconnecting battery only.
                                                                                                                         EA0-0462 - B02                                       EA0-0463
                                                            2 PEDALS SET (no picture)                                    Spare key for EA/462 model.                          Spare key for EA/460 model.

                                                            Same features of OA/1069 model with 2 pedal set with long throttle pedal;
                                                            brake pedal for automatic transmission.
                                                            Dimens. brake: 140x79 mm Dimens. throttle: 65x180 mm         STAY BARS                                            LITHIUM BATTERY
                                                            Supplied with steel bolts. Colours: black ((OA/1072/N), silver (OA/1072/A).
                                                                                                                         EB0-0570                                             OMPS20002009
                                                                                                                                                                              Lithium Battery 20AH
                                                                                                                                                                              Materials: ABS
       FOOTRERST                          FOOTRERST                          FOOTRERST                                                                                        Lithium Battery for cars with
                                                                                                                                                                              Alternator, 20AH/256WH,
       OA0-2070                           OA0-1867                           OA0-2060                                                                                         PCC 900A, Weight 3.5KG
                                                                                                                                                                              For cars upto 2000CC
                                          Driver’s left footrest
                                          foe left foot, in san-
                                          dblasted aluminium.                                                                                                                 OMPS20001809
                                          Supplied with steel
                                          bolts and brackets.                                                                                                                 Lithium Battery 18AH
                                          Dimensions:                                                                    Stay-bars, pair of zinc plated steel stay-bars for   Materials: ABS
                                                                                                                         spotlights. Variable length: 130/195 mm
                                          260x100 mm                                                                                                                          Lithium Battery for cars with
                                                                                                                                                                              Alternator, 18AH/230WH, PCC
                                                                                                                                                                              1000A, Weight 3.8KG
                                                                                                                                                                              For cars upto 4000CC

       Driver’s left footrest in knurled aluminium.                          Co-driver’s footrest in knurled aluminium.
       Dimensions: 285x120 mm                                                Dimensions: 335x300 mm
       FOOTRERST                                            FOOTRERST                                                                              SWITCHES ACCESSORIES

       OA0-1866                                             OA0-2080                                                                                          With threaded fixing nut, 2 poles.

                                                                                                                         PUSH BUTTON                                           PROTECTION
                                                                                                                         EA0-0467                                              XMC-181493

                                                                                                                         PUSH BUTTON                                           PROTECTION
                                                                                                                         For exterior use, water                               Rubber ring for push button
                                                                                                                         resistant.                                            EA/467.

                                Co-driver’s footrest in sandblasted
                                aluminium. Supplied with steel bolts                      Universal flat footrest in
                                and brackets.                                             knurled aluminium.
                                Dimensions: 320x280 mm                                    Dimensions: 365x418 mm
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