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By placing an order, the buyer accepts and unconditionally agrees
with the conditions described in this document, and untertakes RETURNED ITEMS – DELIVERY TIME Racing Force is not
responsible for delayed deliveries and will not pay for possible
to follow them during the course of the business relationship with consequent damages. Returned goods will be accepted only when
Racing Force, declaring to have read and accepted them. The buyer authorized by Racing Force, provided with regular goods return
also agrees that Racing Force don’t consider themselves bound to note, and carriage paid. Racing Force will charge all the costs
different conditions, except where agreed in writing in advance.
The buyer accepts the terms of sale indicated below. In the event deriving from damages on the returned goods or missing parts.
of any legal dispute, the Court of Genoa, Italy, is competent. Defective or not functioning items that will be returned after having
Racing Force reserves the right to modify the terms of sales been purchased will be repaired in the necessary time and will not
anytime, also in view of possible regulatory changes. be substituted by new ones in any way. Orders made in writing (fax,
The new Terms Of Sale will be effective starting from the date of mail, e-mail, etc.) will be considered automatically confirmed and
publication on OMP Racing official website ( will be forwarded in accordance with the normal procedure. The
For any request of clarification or complaint, contact the following goods travel at the risk of the consignee, and any damage caused
email address: during the carriage will be charged to the consignee.
indicated are VAT excluded. The characteristics and technical read the labels and the user’s manual, and strictly follow the
data of the items presented in this catalogue are not binding and instructions. Improper use or mantainance can reduce the
can be changed without notice. The products’ colors can also be effectiveness of the item, provoke untimely wear and increase the
considerably altered. risk of serious or lethal injuries in case of accident or fire. Improper
use or mantainance void the guarantee and relieve Racing Force
SAMI PAJARI - EMMA MÄLKÖNEN ROMET JÜRGENSON - SIIM OJA from any responsibility towards the user.
Motorsport is an intrinsecally dangerous activity, that can result - It is the user’s responsibility to become familiar with all available
in serious or lethal injuries. The items described in this catalogue informations about the correct use and mantainance of the
provide for protection on specific parts of the body for a a limited products. If uncertain of the correct use and mantainance, the user
period of time in controlled test conditions, in accordance with must not use the products. The manufacturer, the distributor and
the FIA standard specified on each item’s label. No device can their respective owners, employees, agents and representatives
provide a complete protection from every injury in case of accident are not responsible for mistakes or omissions.
or fire. The user, at the time when he uses the products, relieves - Every single modification or customization of the products, and
the manufacturer, the distributor, the owner, the employees, every operation on them may reduce their security features.
the agents, the sales representatives from any responsibility. It Thus, the user is responsible at his own risk for the reduction of
is the user’s responsibility to become familiar with all available security features caused by modification or customization.
informations about the correct use and mantainance of the
products. If uncertain of the correct use and mantainance, the user BY THE USE OF THESE PRODUCTS, THE USER ACKNOWLEDGES:
must not use the products. The manufacturer, the distributor and That each personal safety device is part of a complete safety
JOHAN KRISTOFFERSSON WILL BROWN their respective owners, employees, agents and representatives system including the other racewear products, protections, the
KMS HORSE POWERTRAIN RED BULL AMPOL RACING are not responsible for mistakes or omissions. vehicle, the racetrack, the event organization; that personal safety
products are not conceived to provide the same performance level
DISCLAIMER or protection through the whole specific product. Different parts
- Each personal safety device is part of a complete safety system or areas of the product can provide different levels of protection,
including the other racewear products, protections, the vehicle, the in spite of the fact that they may appear the same; that personal
racetrack, the event organization. safety products must always be inspected before use and replaced
- Personal safety products are not conceived to provide the same after any evidence of wear, and after exposure to chemicals,
performance level or protection through the whole specific product. excessive heat or any unusual condition.
Different parts or areas of the product can provide different levels That the helmet is conceived and designed to reduce the risk of
of protection, in spite of the fact that they may appear the same. cranial and facial injuries only in case of impact. That no helmet
- Personal safety products must always be inspected before use can protect against any possible and forseeable impact. That
and replaced after any evidence of wear, and after exposure to helmets are not recommended and sold for high-risk jobs such
chemicals, excessive heat or any unusual condition. as refuelers. Further information at the following web addresses:
- Products are sold to be used in legally sanctioned autosport and
events only, and are not intended to be used and/or installed
for regular street use, as street use safety products are subject
to different homologations and laws depending on the State or
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