Page 12 - Catalogo Bell
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BELL HELMETS                                                    PROVEN SINCE 1954

                      HISTORY                                          CONSTANT EVOLUTION                                                         1996                                                  2011
                                                                                                                                                  VORTEX TURBO AIR
                                                                                                                                                  The Vortex Turbo Air was the first                     HP3 Visor Panel
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bell is the first company to
        Over 70 years of innovation in the world’s most demanding sport                                                                           auto racing helmet to feature                         homologate and use a Zylon
                                                                                                                                                  internal high-speed fans that
                                                                                                                                                  directed airflow to the face and the                   Visor Panel in F1 competition
       It Takes A Lot to Finish First                        Time Tested, Champions Trusted                                                       shield for comfort and to prevent
                                                                                                                                                  shield fogging.
        To get there,  you need an amazing combination of    For over 70 years, our commitment to innovative design and                                                                                 2014
        cutting-edge technology, seamless teamwork, proven skill,   progressive approach to safety has defined Bell Racing.
        dedication and unwavering nerve. It also takes a good deal of   That same attention to detail continues today throughout our              1997                                                  HP7
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bell introduces the HP7
        precaution.                                          entire line of products making each Bell helmet unique and                           DOMINATOR                                             featuring an innovative shell
        As a company of first, Bell has never stopped the pursuit of   worthy of being worn by the world’s best drivers. The latest                The Dominator is introduced, the                      and integrated shield design,
        serious head protection through innovation and a focus on   generation of Bell Racing helmets offer forward-thinking                      first helmet with gurneys built into                   moving the pivot locations
                                                                                                                                                  the shell for enhanced aerodyna-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        down and forward to improve
        the future. We were the first company to be Snell certified,   design, leading-edge technology, superior engineering,                       mic performance in a compact                          acoustic and aerodynamic
        introduce an energy absorbing liner system, build a full-face   outstanding comfort and fit, enhanced ventilation and indus-               design.                                               performance while enhancing
        helmet, fire retardant helmet, aerodynamic helmet, anti-fog   try leading features with the latest material innovations and                                                                      energy management capaci-
        shield and homologate an FIA 8860 “super helmet”.    manufacturing techniques to create the most advanced line                                                                                  ties.
        That same forward thinking defines everything we do and is   of racing helmets available in the world today.                               1998
        exhibited in every high-performance racing helmet we build.                                                                                                                                     2019
        Delivering the ultimate in protection, innovation, technology                                                                             FEULING II                                            HP77
        and reliability, it’s no  wonder  why more champions have                   1979                                                          Bell introduces the Feuling II, a                     Bell introduces the HP77, the first
        proudly worn Bell Helmets than any other brand.                                                                                           redesigned version of the                             helmet in the world featuring a
                                                                                     XFM-1                                                        Feuling SS to fit new advanced                         ballistic reinforcement incorpo-
                                                                                     The XFM-1 was the first lightwei-                             headrests designed for open                           rated into the shell and replacing
                                                                                                                                                  wheel racing, featuring a smaller
                                                                                     ght composite auto racing                                    profile and aerodynamic signature.                     the visor panel.
                                                                                     helmet. It became the helmet of
                               1954                                                  choice for open-wheel drivers
                                                                                     everywhere.                                                                                                        2021
                               MANUFACTURING BEGINS
                               Bell begins manufacturing its first                   1991                                                          1999                                                  HP10 RALLY
                               helmet. (the '500' ) in a garage                                                                                                                                         After 2 years of intense
                               located behind Bell Auto Parts.                       AFX-1                                                        KF1                                                   Research & Development with
                                                                                                                                                  The KF1 is the first helmet to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the best drivers and best
                                                                                     The AFX-1 was the first all Kevlar                            feature full integration of the edge                  teams, Bell comes back in
                               1957                                                  helmet and the first to feature a                             of the shield into the helmet shell                   World Rally Championship,
                                                                                                                                                  for improved aerodynamic
                                                                                                                                                                                                        setting new levels of comfort,
                                                                                     ventilation system that incorpo-
                                                                                     rated chin bar vents and top                                 performance.                                          performance and acoustic
                               500-TX                                                vents to create airflow through                                                                                     qualities thanks to ZeroNoise™
                               500-TX, the first motorsports                          the helmet.                                                                                                        electronics.
                               helmet to use an energy absorbing
                               EPS liner system.                                                                                                  2004
                               Jimmy Bryan won the 1958 Indy 500                    1992                                                                                                                2023
                               wearing the 500-TX, Bell’s first
                               Indianapolis 500 win.                                 VORTEX                                                       HP1                                                   WIRED-WIRELESS
                                                                                     This is the first ever helmet with                            Bell’s HP1 is the first helmet to be                   Bell Racing and Zeronoise
                                                                                                                                                  homologated to the FIA8860
                                                                                     aerodynamic elements                                                                                               present the ground-breaking
                               1966                                                  including trip strips and vortex                             advanced helmet standard and                          Wired-Wireless system for rally
                                                                                     generators to reduce helmet                                  used in F1 competition.                               and off-road competition. The
                               STAR                                                  buffeting in open-wheel                                                                                            top-of-the-line helmets from
                               Bell introduces the world’s first                      environments.                                                                                                      Bell, paired with the new
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Zeronoise Fearless Wireless
                               full-face helmet (the Star).                                                                                                                                             intercom, allow driver and
                               Dan Gurney was the first driver to                                                                                  2007                                                  co-drivers to communicate
                               use the Bell Star in auto racing                     1993                                                                                                                without any cable, inside and
                               competition in 1968.                                                                                               HP3
                                                                                     M3                                                           This model features an ultra-ligh-                    outside the car.
                                                                                     The M3, a multi-use lightweight                              tweight carbon shell and advan-
                               1973                                                  helmet combined classic Bell                                 ced energy-absorbing liner. A front                   2024
                                                                                     features with bold European
                                                                                     styling to create a universal design                         lip provides aerodynamic stability
                               STAR FX                                               that could be used world-wide in                             and air vents maximise airflow                         SmartLock™
                               Bell introduces the Star FX, the                      all forms of racing.                                         inside.                                               Bell Racing introduces Smart-
                               first fire retardant auto racing                                                                                                                                           Lock™, the innovative and
                               helmet.                                                                                                                                                                  patented, side-positioned, visor
                                                                                    1993                                                           2010                                                 locking system for full-face
                               1978                                                  FEULING SS                                                    BR1                                                  helmets, starting from the range
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of the new FIA 8859-2024
                                                                                     The first aerodynamic helmet for
                                                                                     speeds well over 320 kph,                                     Bell’s BR1 is the first forced air                    homologated models. The goal
                               STAR FX                                               Feuling SS featured a front lip and                                                                                was to enhance safety and meet
                               STAR XF DUAL EYEPORT                                  rear wicker that reduced lift                                 helmet design for use in either                      the latest FIA requirements while
                               The first dual eyeport helmet,                         and buffeting. Feuling SS first                                a side or top air configuration                       retaining the typical DNA of Bell
                               Star XF is introduced.                                used in 1993 at the Indy 500.                                 using a kit system.                                  products.
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