Page 76 - catalogo OMP car-parts
P. 76

SEATS                     BRACKETS AND ADAPTORS                                                                                                                                                                       SEATS

                              FOR LOWER FIXING HOLES                                                                                   SEATS MOUNTING EXAMPLES

                                                                                                                         Seat with lower attachments points                       Seat with side attachments points
      STEEL BRACKET                                       STEEL BRACKET                                                  1 Sliding brackets (HC/665)                              1  Side mounting brackets (Racing)
                                                                                                                         2 Optional seat bracket                                  2  Sliding brackets (HC/665)
     HC0-0665                                             HC0-0660                                                         spacer (HC/857 or HC/858)                              3  Seat mounting bracket (vehicle specific)
                                                                                                                         3 Seat mounting bracket (vehicle specific)
      Sliding rail kit to be                              Pair of “L” shaped
      mounted  between                                    brackets to fit seats
      the brackets and                                    with lower attachment
      the seat. Steel. Not                                points (type Y) to side
      FIA approved.                                       brackets. Steel.
                                                          Thickness: 3 mm

      UNIVERSAL SEAT SUBFRAME                             ALUMINIUM UNIVERSAL BRACKET                                               RIDE DIRECTION

      HD0-0879                                            HD0-0666                                                        320(**)  270

      Weld-in universal seat subframe to be adapted to the shell of   Universal couple of
      the vehicle. Two 35 mm squared pipes. Length: 600 mm  brackets for seat with                                                     345
      4 plates for direct welding to the body (80x60)     lower attachments.
      thickness  3 mm).                                   Not FIA approved.
      4 plates for direct welding
      to the tube (60x40)
      thickness 3 mm)
      4 buckles for welding M8.

      SEAT BRACKET SPACER                                 SEAT BRACKET SPACER
      HC0-0858                                            HC0-0857

      Seat bracket spacer to                              Seat bracket spacer
      consent seat adjustment.                            allows the seat height to
      Height: + 50 mm,                                    be adjusted, depending
      + 62 mm                                             on which side is used
      and + 75 mm respect                                 for mounting. Not FIA
      to the vehicle specific                             homologated.
      Inclination: 2.5° or 5°                             Height: + 25 mm or
      seat angle adjustments.                             + 50 mm above the vehicle
                                                          specific adaptor.

                                ADAPTORS FOR SEAT FIXING BRACKETS


                                SEE THE APPLICATION LIST

                                                      Sample image

                                Search Complete Application List, for the complete list of
                                available items also on

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